Study genome sequencing (exome) using the latest advances in biomedical technology.

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Genome sequencing allows obtaining the genetic identity card of a person, that is unique and does not change with age.
Through the genome sequence we detect predisposition to serious diseases of genetic origin, both from you and your children. In addition, we analyze a series of genetic markers related to cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular risk, detecting genetic tendencies that sometimes can be corrected with proper health habits or preventive treatments.
We can even make pharmacogenetic studies that give an idea of the individual’s response to certain drugs providing an individualized choice of the most appropriate treatment.

Empireo, a Spanish company that brings the latest advances in biomedical research to the Society, provides sequencing of your genome in an individual, confidential and secure way. We sequence and analyze the most important part of the genome, known as the “human exome”. The “exome” occupies only 1% of the genome, but is the region of DNA that encodes all the proteins and enzymes in the body. More than 85% of the mutations, which cause genetic diseases, are located in the exome.
After the study, a report containing the complete sequence obtained, as well as an interpretation of the results is provided. So you can give it to your medical doctor or save it for further analysis it in the future.
Together with the sequence, a study of genetic markers associated with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and pharmacogenetic study is included.

Who can benefit of genome sequence?

Anyone can obtain the sequence of its genome, although in the case of people under 18 the signature of a legal guardian is required. There are situations in which knowing the genome sequence may be of high interest:

  • For family history of serious diseases , such as breast cancer in women, a comprehensive analysis detecting the presence of markers indicative of the disease will be performed. If desired, the genome of your partner will be also analyzed estimating the likelihood that the disease can be transmitted to children.
  • Some genetic diseases are not inherited from parents but are acquired spontaneously by random mutation at specific positions in the genome . The analysis of these mutations (eg, some cardiac malformations are only noticeable under high sport performance) allow to plan a healthy life style.
  • Get the genetic history of adopted children or after conception from egg and sperm donations. In the absence of direct knowledge of their family history, genetic analysis will help us to prevent problems and improve their quality of life, as the first diagnostic tool with our trusted doctor is the paternal history.

If you want more detailed information contact us, and our geneticists will be happy to explain how you can get the most out of your results. Note that this test is performed at an external center.

And if you have doubts … come see us