Human Papilloma Virus Screening and Cervical Cancer Prevention.
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Available tests:
High sensitivity papillomavirus test by real-time PCR
This test allows the detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA with high sensitivity and specificity. They are used as a method of preventing cervical cancer because this test identifies 14 types of high risk. Specifically identifies types HPV 16 and HPV 18/45, and reports the presence or absence of 11 other high-risk types (31, 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68) in a combined result. In addition, this papillomavirus test reduces the window period significantly until a few days after being exposed to the virus (7 days). This test is able to detect an infection at very early stages, even in the absence of visible injury, but papillomavirus infections can remain undetectable for several weeks.
Qualitative PCR Papillomavirus test
This test allows the detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA with high sensitivity and specificity. They are used as a method of prevention of cervical cancer since this test typifies whether the virus present is of an oncogenic or non-oncogenic genotype. This test should be performed when there are injuries from these infections, since in the absence of injury a negative result does not exclude that the infection exists.
This test can detect up to 32 genotypes of human papillomavirus (HPV types 6, 11, 13, 16, 18, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 51, 52 , 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68 and 69). In addition, you can differentiate between two groups: oncogenic HPV genotypes (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 52, 58 and 67) and generic HPV genotypes (the rest). In case of exudates in asymptomatic people, a negative result does not exclude that the infection exists.
Prices for papillomavirus tests
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What is genital papillomavirus infection?
It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus can infect the genital area of men and women including the skin of the penis, vulva, anus or coatings of the vagina, cervix and rectum.
Most infected people have no symptoms and are able to clear the infection on their own.
Some types of HPV are called “high risk ” because your infection may lead to the development of cancers in the genital area , especially cancer of the cervix in women.
How common is HPV?
The virus is very common, since about 50% of sexually active men and women acquire the infection throughout their lives, being the more likely in people with multiple sexual partners infection.
What are the symptoms of infection?
The virus can live on the skin, usually causing no symptoms and goes away on its own. However genital warts can be generated and induce changes in general gynecological exams, indicative of pre-cancerous processes. Once transmitted, the symptoms may appear within months or even years.
Warts or gynecological disorders mentioned, not always a health hazard, but may indicate the possibility of developing cancer.
What is the connection between HPV infection and cervical cancer?
Several types of HPV. Approximately 25 % of the known types of HPV are considered high risk, which may lead to the development of persistent cervical cancer infection.
The types of “low risk”, no risk of cancer, although to induce mild changes in routine gynecological examinations. These types cause genital warts, it is abnormal skin growths in the genital area, there are several treatment options, although it is possible that the wart once cured, the infection persists.
The types of “high risk” are those that are associated with cervical cancer, may also cause less common cancers like anal.
It should be very clear that carrying a high-risk HPV, does NOT mean you have cancer, but there are more possibilities of developing it.
Regular gynecological examinations, supplemented by specific detection of the virus, ensure that the presence of pre-cancerous changes, not evolve to cancer development.
With the method used by EMPIREO, we can detect the presence of HPV, which as mentioned is very common, but the most important quality of our method is to differentiate the presence of high-risk virus.
Cancer of the cervix, has a mortality rate of around 40%, although early detection, allows for medical monitoring that usually leads to healing. It raises the problem that has no symptoms until it is advanced, for that reason, the detection of risk factors such as infection with high-risk HPV is critical EMPIREO service provided.
All women should undergo routine tests, even when you feel healthy, to check for problems that do not yet feel, as early detection and significantly improve its evolution. Infection with HPV has no cure, but the consequences that this infection.
Genital HPV and men
Although genital HPV is common among men , rarely causes serious health complications beyond genital warts. The most serious complications arising from infection with HPV in men are penile and anal cancers, with an incidence between 0.3 and 0.2 % of all cancers diagnosed.
Risk of these serious diseases is increased seventeen times between homosexual or bisexual population.
How can it be prevented?
Infection with HPV, as already discussed, can occur in both men and women. No conclusive data on condom use to reduce HPV infection, as there are areas of the skin not covered by a condom, that contact in sexual intercourse. However, condom use has been associated with a lower incidence of cervical cancer, diseases associated with HPV infection.
In U.S., women are recommended specific detection of HPV at least once every three years and whenever changes are detected during routine gynecological examinations.
Since June 2006, there is, a vaccine that protects against 70% of HPV cause cancer, compared with 90% of the causes of warts. This shot shows the effectiveness in those who have not already infected with the virus, in which case, the protective effect wanes.
Therefore, the HPV remains listed among the vaccinated population, and does not protect against all types of viruses, and in the case of carrying the virus and the vaccine is not efficient.
What does EMPIREO offer?
EMPIREO provides detection of the presence of virus, which can be very useful in the case of possible alterations in gynecological examinations or presence of warts, and to direct the clinical diagnosis of a viral infection, so treatment may be more effective.
More importantly, the detection by EMPIREO, indicating whether the type of virus detected in a group of “high risk”, constituting a potential marker for the development of cancer. This type of early detection, allows clinicians to impose monitoring and where necessary, initiate appropriate treatment.
In summary, EMPIREO offers the possibility of early detection of tumor risk factor.